Monday, January 18, 2010

bumps in the road

Dear Pirate,

First of all, I'm glad we agree on the "12 months." *big smile*

As I mentioned to you on the phone last night, I had an amazing weekend at Emily's place. It was so much fun to "practice" together, eat delicious home-cooked food, and really just hang out with good friends. And...Em's parents were amazing. (I wish I could tell you all the details here, but I'll save some for the regular phone dates that we're going to have this semester.) Mr. Murphy gave Renae, Meg, and I a very inspirational talk--amidst stories of his "young, pyromaniac days" on the farm and hilarious jokes--after dinner on Saturday. (He closed with a Doris Day song, but it was inspirational nonetheless. *grin*)

We'd been telling him our majors, plans, etc. and he, in turn, told us a few things about his life and the plans he'd had. He described his different jobs and the "bumps in the road" that he encountered along the way. He told us to never stop dreaming, yet also realize that God may take us down paths that we wouldn't have chosen ourselves. Things change. People change. We'll hit those bumps--most certainly--but how will we react? Do we truly trust that He knows best and will be faithful? Are we doing our best to be faithful? Despite the laughs, it was such a good reminder. But...

Evange (I can't use Pirate here - haha), what if one of those bumps in the road means not being able to "make music" someday? What if it means I can't travel the world, or be with the children that I have yet to see but dream about so much? What if it means loss of something, or someone, that I love?


"Seek Ye First" (remember that song?) suddenly comes to mind. Back in the day, I was too concerned with sounding good on the harmony/round part to pay attention to the words, I think. But it's so true.

And remember Psalm 37? (I've been going back to it recently--minus the ohsocreative hand motions, mind you--and it's...loaded. For lack of a better word.) "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him... If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand..."

I think that answers a lot of questions.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Ps 37 and love those hand motions. Those good old days. :-)
